(Approved 2014)
Annual Lake Geneva Manor Membership Meeting July 13, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m. by President, David Frost. The following Board members were present: Wayne Reuter, Vice President; Tykee Green, Treasurer; Rich Pucci, Secretary and Entertainment committee; Bob Nordhaus, Boat Pier; Tom Nickols, Grounds; plus, Manor Attorney, Dave Williams. Jay Kleinman, Member-at-Large was not present.
Thirty-Three members were present and eleven appropriately executed proxies had been received. This constituted a quorum.
David listed the Association member that have died in the past year: John Martino, Jim Michuda, Cheryl Johnston, and Dan Klieman. Marcie Holman read a letter to the membership concerning Jay’s son, Dan. There was a then a period of silence in memory of these and all that deceased members. He then briefly summarized the new members of the Association who later introduced themselves.
Treasurer:Tykee reviewed the budget. The Board decided to raise the dues from $250 to $275 per lot. A motion to accept the budget as presented was made by Pete Peterson and was seconded by Greg Licht. John Thompson and Bill Jones raised a discussion on the creation of a reserve for repairing the seawall in the park by the swim area and boat pier. David pointed out that the budget being proposed was projections the lowest cash balance for the last four years and did not actually include a line for capital spending reserve. Discussion then ended and the motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Grounds: Tom Nickols, John Swanson, Pete Peterson and others were recognized for their many contributions and hours spent keeping the grounds and piers attractive, repaired, and properly used. Everyone presents applauded and expressed their gratitude. Tom Nickols then displayed a plaque awarded to the association by the City of Lake Geneva for the attractive landscaping at the entrance to the Manor. Marcie Holman and Barb Phillips nominated the Manor for the award. Tom then remined the membership of the rules and procedure for reserving the park for private parties and for parking golf carts (one the northwest (right) side of the park. He also noted that new and finer sand had been placed in the sand area and reminded the membership that pets (dog) are not allowed in the sand area or on the swim piers for obvious health and sanitization issues. He reminded members that no parking cones would be put in front of the park for major holiday including Memorial Day weekend, 4thof July weekend, Venetian Night weekend and Labor Day weekends. Paula Pezza requested a sign indicating the park and piers were private property be put in front the park and Tom agreed to do so.
Entertainment: Rich reminded the membership that the band and chef would be set up by 5pm and be there for at least three hours. The year the association provided soft drinks, bottled water, and canned beer. The wine and chips provide in the past year was not being consumed. The bank this year has been the opening act for a number of famous bands and was exceptionally good.
Boat Pier: Bob reported a balance of over $11,000 and indicated that the costs for slips, buoys and ramps would be maintained at the same level for another year. The boat slip assignments and waiting lists are posted on the Manor website and are updated each spring. Members were asked to refer to this site. Bill Jones asked Bob Nordhaus for the actual figures for the last year and was told he would be provided with them. Jim Wojcik proposed a digital light system for the end of the boat pier that Bob will look into.
Unfinished Business: David Frost provided a brief update on the rental issues discussed last year. The amended By-laws and boat pier rules are now posted on the Manor Association website: The By-laws were changed by the board last July based upon a motion approved by the required number of members addressing members and renters that have rentals of less than 9- days. Members renting their homes were not previously allowed the use of the park or boat piers. They are no longer allowed to be on the waitlist or be involved in a partnership (a clarification). Renters of homes in the Manor that are renting for periods under 90 days are also not allowed to use the park, swim area or boat piers. One member of association has been cited a number of times for violating eh City’s rental and business ordinances. There is a trial involved. The City has indicated that members concerned that a property is being rented or that the Association park, swim area or boat piers are being used by people that re not authorized to use them (trespassing) should call the police who will follow up. Members that rent their homes are supposed to provide the Board (Secretary or President) with the names of their renter and the rental dates.
New Business: David indicated that the Architectural Review Committee now is composed of the members of the Board of Directors. The guidelines have been modified based upon experience and is posted on the Manor website. Embers are encouraged to read the guidelines and proved the Committee with the required material to expedite the process and avoid the kind of problems with neighbors that have occasionally risen in the past.
Communications: David indicated the board had only received communications from Chuck Barranco and David Williams (acting as the Manor Legal advisor) since last annual meeting. Chuck’s emails concerned his recollection of the last annual meeting, his beliefs concerning rentals, the renter’s and his guests’ rights, and expressed concerns about golf cart licensing including driver’s being licensed to drive golf carts. David indicated members should use U.S. Mail rather than email or texting when requesting action by the board or board members (see the Rules page on the Manor website). He also pointed out the the City and State are responsible for licensing and enforcing laws and ordinances on golf carts. David William’s correspondence advised the board on the amendments to the By-laws last July and on future potential changes to the By-laws, rules and boat pier rules.
Manor Election: The next item of business was the election of officers. Jay Kleiman resigned (his term ran to 2014) citing family reasons. Rich Pucci chose not to run if the board could find a candidate willing to fill the Secretary position. Wayne, Tykee, and Bob ran for re-election. Paula Pezza and Dawn Mancuso were proposed by the board for two-year terms ending in 2015. David talked about how important it is for the overall functioning of the Manor as a friendly neighborhood that members volunteer for the Board and Committee positions and the importance of the board succession planning. Traditionally members join a committee and then move onto a Board position. The By-laws required the board members to fill four positions.: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. There are two Member at Large Positions one of which is usually the Past president. The Vice President typically is in office for at least two terms. Therefore, board members need to be willing to commit to a number of years on committee or board positions. Don Getzen has provided the President with an excellent history of the past board members (and how the board pier was financed and built). Pete Peterson made a motion to accept the elections and Greg Licht seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion were approved unanimously by voice vote. In a Board meeting subsequent to the annual meeting the following directors were elected: David Frost, President; Wayne Reuter, Vice President; Paula Pezza, Secretary; Tykee Green, Treasurer, the following Committee chairs remain in their position: Bob Nordhaus, Boat Pier; Tom Nickols, Grounds; Dawn Mancuso, Entertainment.
A motion was made to adjourn and seconded so the meeting was ended at 5 p.m.
Submitted by Paula Pezza, Secretary